Child Support Attorney In Louisiana

In Louisiana, child support is determined by a child support guidelines table. The table takes several factors into account including each parent’s income, the number of children, the ages of the children, and any expenses related to special needs or health care. Although putting numbers in the formula in the guidelines table is easy, determining child support is not. Our family law attorneys at Rozas are experienced in handling all of the complex issues that come with determining child support.

What happens if an ex doesn’t pay child support?
If a parent does not pay his or her child support they may face serious penalties. These penalties include suspension of business or professional licenses, loss of driver’s license, wage garnishment, and in the most extreme cases the non-paying parent can end up in jail.
Our attorneys are experienced in handling cases that involve delinquent child support payments. We can help to collect your owed overdue child support or even help you to determine a fair arrangement for you and your child’s other parent.
Common child support questions we can help answer:
- Who can receive child support?
- What do I need to do to start the process of receiving child support?
- How much child support can I get?
- My child’s other parent does not have a job or money to pay child support. What can I do?
Contact a Louisiana Family Law Attorney for Help
Our attorneys at Rozas are able to represent you regarding any child support matters. Whether you are trying to determine a child support arrangement or collect back child support that you are due, we can help. Contact our firm today at 225-341-6945 to set up a consultation with one of our family law attorneys.
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